Online Surveys - here, there, and everywhere!

Does this ever run the gamut! You have DIY software with free, freemium, pay-per-use, license, purchase, and yet myriad options - all available in the marketplace. So why us?

  • Because we love to KISS! (y'know - keep it simple…)

  • Anyone deploying a survey online rapidly realizes how beyond simple it can very quickly become. And we aren't everything to everybody. However, if you'd like a flat fee for simply creating and hosting a survey - to your specifications, quickly, accurately, and in as innovative a manner as possible - we're your team!

  • Simply click the blue button below and upload your survey on the displayed contact form. We charge a flat $1,000 and provide a url for you to distribute to your respondents. Done 'n dusted. Yours to run with.

  • Or, you could always use overkill software (and pay accordingly), or hunt around and sift through dozens if not hundreds of DIY solutions out there (and then learn how your chosen one works, and after some trial-n-error things should be good - if you have the time to spare)

  • And yes, we aren't all that smoochy either - while we do KISS, bells-'n-whistles abound too. Want a website popup? Or a poll instead of a survey? With real time results? Fancy logic? Intricate quotas? Us to handle emailing respondents? You've seen the polls around our site. And - unless you're seeing this on a smartphone (or terribly narrowed browser window - we're cool that way, try it!) - you also saw the pop-up invite. We use various tools and software from free to paid to custom - depending on the survey. So most 'complexities' are just fine - and if not, we'll let you know up front. No point wasting your time or ours!

  • How 'bout Integrating with online panels? Or unbranded urls? (now you're talking beyond the flat $1K 'course - tho' try us. You just might be surprised!) We're all about disruption and 'real' innovation (overused as the term has become these days!)
