Enter the name for this tabbed section: You Decide
Typically Crowd members earn $15-$20/- an hour fulfilling assignments.

We recommend you estimate the amount of time they will be spending on your assignment and set payouts accordingly.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Our Flat Fee
Let's say you have a Task that requires 5 Fulfillments and you estimate each would take about an hour to complete. If you decide to pay $10/- per Fulfillment, that would be 5x$10=$50/-.

We add a flat 30% service fee, so your total payable would be $50 + $15=$65/-.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Be Happy
Simply put - you pay only for work you like.

If you reject work submitted by a Crowd member, you must advise clear and reasonable grounds for disqualification.

We will credit your account or resubmit the task so that your required fulfillments are reached.
Enter the name for this tabbed section: BeKarmic
For each completed Task, the Assignee (crowd member) and Assignor (client) are asked to rate each other.

Future matches are made based on overall Karma points earned - and over time, what goes around comes around.